Ruth Eedy is a Money n You graduate from the early nineties in Brisbane, Australia. Ruth has been researching and training in her own personal growth for almost 35 years. This has included psychotherapy, regression, meditation, communication and awareness, stress management and relaxation, yoga, Gestalt, encounter, psychosynthesis, 14 different types of massage, Bach Flower Remedies, reflexology, pendulum diagnosing, colour therapy, aromatherapy, Tai Chi, Aura Soma, crystal healing, Aura-Light, Reiki, Australian Bush Flower Remedies. Ruth lives on a tropical island, and is currently writing a book on her work and her life's experiences In this day & age we have many tools & techniques that enable us to become the Happy, Healthy Joyful & Prosperous person that we are meant to be Creative Visualisation is a Powerful concept that once understood & used on a daily basis it can assist us to realize our true potential. It is a
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